Cameo (1962-66)
Updated Jan 18/99
Cameo-series definitives include 1-5c values with a "cameo" designs as well as 5 medium/high
values (as I define the series).
The 5 Cameo-design values produced over 30 major varieties, and many more if you include
various levels of fluorescent papers.
The 1c, 2, 3c, and 5c values were issued with 2-bar Winnipeg tagging; the 4c value was Winnipeg
tagged 1-bar (5 types exist). 4c was the local first class letter rate while 5c was the national first class letter rate during this era.
The 5 types of 4c Winnipeg 1-bar tagged include: 4mm bar down every centre of stamp; 9-10mm bar
down every second vertical column of perfs (starting with 2nd column); 8mm bar down centre of
every stamp; 9-10mm bar down every second vertical column of perfs (starting with left most
column); 8mm bar down every second vertical column of perfs (starting with 2nd column). Notice
that 3 of these types require at least a pair, or, in some cases, a strip of 3 from the side
margin to show the full type.
The medium-values include a surcharged item (8c on 7c).
The Cameos were the last Canadian definitives to be issued with the official overprint ("G").
All low values were printed in panes of 100; 3 of the values appeared in booklets; 3 values
appeared in miniature panes; 4 of the values were also issued in coils.

[ This is a "wide" table, by necessity - too many varieties! ]