Canadian Specialized
Album Pages
Updated: Dec 1, 2016
Canada Specialized Album Pages(back to Philatelic Books page) Sample page: |
Specialized album pages are available that complement the books noted above.
Effective December 1, 2016 these pages are now offered as PDF files (one reason
is the rising mailing costs).
FAQ * pages are designed for 8 1/2 x 11 inches. * pages are 'secured' Adobe PDF which allows you to print, but not copy/alter. I wish I could provide them as non-secured, but am cognizant of the high risk of theft. Wouldn't you want to protect your work? * after your PalPay payment, I will send you to the link(s) for the PDF file(s). * all future updates to your purchased pages are free. * no catalogue numbers are presented. * sorry, the pages are only available in English. * you print the pages; not myself. Actual stamps and/or mounts are not included. Album (PDF) prices (in Canadian dollars):
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