Abitibi-Price - a manufacturer of paper used on Elizabethan-era stamps. Until 1983 they were the sole supplier of paper for Canadian stamps. At that time, they decided on short notice to discontinue producing this paper. For a period of time, Canada Post was forced to use paper from non-Canadian paper mills (eg. Harrison). |
Aerogramme - official Universal Postal Union (UPU) name for an airletter sheet; lightweight sheet of paper with gummed flaps and a postage impression on one side.
Postal stationery. |

Aerogramme |
Air Mail - mail that is carried by airplane across the country or around the mail. Canada's last airmail-inscribed stamp was issued in 1946, before the Elizabethan-era began.
Blue airmail labels can be applied to international mail, if desired.

Airmail label |
Albino - a complete uninked impression of the stamp design. This can occur if no ink is applied or when two sheets of paper are fed into the press at the same time and only one sheet receives the ink. They are more often found on postal stationery. |

Albino |
Aniline - a water-soluble and fugitive ink, with a dye base that runs when wetted, and fluoresces under an
ultraviolet light. The colour will
migrate through to a marked degree on the back.
Several Canadian blue-coloured stamps of the
1960s (including Scott #378, #383, #384, #387,
#393, #435, #444, #445), have, over time, given
the appearance of aniline ink varieties.
Due to chemical softeners in the old 3-hole
"Soft" plastic pages that were made for paper
money and that sort of thing back in the 1960's
to 1970's, storage of these stamps in this type
of mount has resulted in damaged stamps (see
illustration at right).
These "varieties" continue to be mis-identified
to this day. |

Damaged stamps: aniline "appearing" |
Annual collection - souvenir collection of the entire year's stamps sold with an accompanying book describing each issue.
Certain stamp varieties have only appeared in these annual collections or quarterly packs.

2002 Annual Collection |
AP -
acronym for Ashton Potter, a
printer of Canadian stamps (see below). |
A.R. - Acknowledgment of Receipt. |

A.R. Card (front and back) |
Ashton Potter -
printer of Canadian stamps. |
Auxiliary marking - additional markings applied to a cover to note such things as Postage Due, Return to Sender, Received in Damaged Condition, etc. That is, any marking applied by the post office other than the postmark or cancellation. |

Auxiliary marking |