Adminware Corporation (7k)
E-mail: Robin Harris,, Beausejour, Manitoba, Canada
Updated Feb 21, 2021

Search Canada Stamps



Historical events on this date (May 30) ...

Formation of Quebec Bar Association (Barreau du Quebec) (1849)

Quebec Bar Association
Stamp issued: 1999.06.03

  • Stamps issued on: 05.30

    9 stamp(s) found.

    Canadian Personalities

    8c multicoloured

    Marguerite Bourgeoys

    [Marguerite Bourgeoys / 1620-1700]

    Canadian Personalities

    8c multicoloured

    Alphonse Desjardins

    [Alphonse Desjardins / 1854-1920]

    Canadian Personalities

    8c multicoloured

    Samuel Dwight Chown

    [Dr. S.D. Chown United Church L'Eglise Unie]

    Canadian Personalities

    8c multicoloured

    John Cook

    [Dr. J. Cook Presbyterian Church L'Eglese Presbyterienne]

    Ocean Water Fish

    45c multicoloured

    Great White Shark

    [Great White Shark/Grand requin blank / 1600kg / 5m / Carcharodon carcharias]

    Ocean Water Fish

    45c multicoloured

    Pacific Halibut

    [Pacific Halibut/Fletan du Pacifique / 20gk / 1,2m / Hippoglossus stenolepis]

    Ocean Water Fish

    45c multicoloured

    Atlantic Sturgeon

    [Atlantic Sturgeon/Esturgeon noir / 150kg / 2,5m / Acipenser oxyrhynchus]

    Ocean Water Fish

    45c multicoloured

    Bluefin Tuna

    [Bluefin Tuna/Thon rouge / 250kg /2m / Thunnus thynnus]

    Canada's Volunteer Firefighters

    48c multicoloured

    ^ Top

    Search Canadian stamps:
    • ... when searching by day, historical events that have an associated stamp will be presented. This includes births, deaths, start/end dates of events, first flights, etc.
    • ... stamps issued on a given day
    • ... find stamps from a specific Canadian stamp series
    • ... find stamps with a certain topic/theme
    • ... find stamps by keyword
    • ... search on any text printed on the face of the stamp (except 'Canada', 'Postage', 'Postes")
    • the default listing for this search is 'today'
    • only Canadian stamps are in this database
    • 'less is more' - that is, the less criteria you give, the more stamps will be found. Providing 'too much' search criteria may give no results!
    • text in the 'Find' has been entered without the French accents. For example, Noël (e-with-umlaut) on the stamp is Noel (plain 'ol e)in this database.
    • there is a lot of data here; every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy. Please pass along any corrections that you come upon.
    • in the 'Find', multiple words will be searched with an 'or' condition. That is, any of the words can be found in the database for a result to be displayed.
    • this is NOT a Google search, nor is it anywhere near the flexibility of a Google search.
    • this has been a labour of love; the data is constantly being updated to improve the accuracy and display of listings.
    • there is a lot that can be accomplished with some simple searches.
    • this is NOT a catalogue.

    For more details see the Unitrade Specialized Catalogue of Canadian Stamps, 2018 edition

    Database counts

    Total single stamps: 4,107

    Total historical events: 5,947

    Total topical items: 11,602

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