Imperforate - stamps printed in the sheet without the aids to separate the stamps (ie. no
die cutting or
rouletting). Modern imperforates are usually errors or produced solely for the sale to stamp collectors. |

Imperforate pair |
Imperforate between - stamps missing the
perforations between each other but still perforated around themselves. |

Imperforate between |
Imperforate bottom half of stamp and margin - a bottom block of stamps with margin where the margin and the bottom half of the lower row of stamps is imperforate. |

Imperforate bottom half of stamp and margin |
Impression - a copy taken by pressure from a plate, die, or block. |
Imprimatur (Latin for 'let it be printed') - the first sheets of stamps from an approved plate, normally checked and retained in a file, prior to a final directive to begin stamp production from a plate. |
Imprint block - a block of four or more stamps to which is attached the
margin bearing the printers' imprint/inscription. Typically collected in four positions: upper left (UL), upper right (UR), lower left (LL), lower right (LR). |

Imprint block (UR) |
Indicium - the imprint on
postal stationery, as opposed to an adhesive stamp, indicating prepayment and postal validity. |
Inkjet cancellation - cancellation applied by a Jet Spray Printer. |

Inkjet cancellation |
Ink smear - a printing freak where excessive ink has spread and covered portions of the stamp. |

Ink smear |
(1) text or other information inscribed on a
(2) plate printing information appearing in the
See Plate
block. |
Instanta - trade-name of a well-known
perforation gauge, published by Stanley Gibbons Ltd. |

Instanta perforation gauge |
Intaglio - In recess. Strictly speaking all recess methods o f printing. That is, hand or machine
engraving, and the
photogravure processes, are 'intaglio'. In philately, it can be correctly applied to all processes where
the inked image is below the surface of the plate or cylinder. |
International Reply Coupon (IRC) - coupons issued by members of the
Universal Postal Union to
provide for return postage from recipients in foreign countries. IRCs are
exchangeable for postage at a post office. |

International Reply Coupons |
Invert - turned upside-down. In stamp printing there have been inverted centres, inverted frames, inverted surcharges and overprints and inverted
Canada has had 3 inverted colour errors on its postage stamps:
- 5c St. Lawrence Seaway (1959)
- $1 Runnymede Library (1989)
- $2 Provincial Normal School (1995)

Invert (St. Lawrence Seaway) |
Irregular perf - where the
perforation holes vary in their relation to one another on any side of a stamp. |