New Centennial Discoveries
Updated: Dec 5, 2001
Dare we say that the 1967-1973 Centennial definitives are the most popular and studied set of modern-day Canadian stamps?
It is amazing that NEW discoveries are still being made, as evidenced by the publication of
numerous new finds in the Centennial Definitives 1967-1973 book (illustrated at right)!
As new information comes to light on this fascinating series, it will be presented here.
New Centennial discoveries since the book was published
- Added to site Dec 5/01
A new major error has been reported.
Booklet BK64 is the $1.50 booklet containing 25 copies of the 6c black Transportation, Die
I. The normal booklet contains 2 labels in the first two positions of the booklet.
Doug Karns has just provided an example with the 2 labels on the right side of the pane instead of the
left side of the pane! This is a fantastic error to find some 21 years after it first appeared.
Click the thumbnail at the right for a larger image.
- Added to site Sep 16/00
Figure 856 on page 289 of the Centennial Definitives Series 1967-1973 book illustrates
a pre-printing paper crease on the $1 Edmonton Oil Field stamp.
The apparent 'mate' to this stamp (a left margin single) is illustrated as Lot 1561 on page 111 of
the Ian Kimmerly Public Auction #107-108 being held Oct 17-18/2000.
- Added to site Sep 16/00
Cutting guidelines on the front and back covers of BK54 and BK55. These cutting lines
are known on the Cameo booklet (BK52) with the Centennial cover so it is not too surprising that they
also exist on the Centennial booklets.

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